It might be hard to believe, but here at Bonnet House Museum & Gardens, we are already gearing up for our annual International Orchid & Garden Festival! This popular event welcomes orchid enthusiasts and plant lovers alike to vividly experience – and purchase – diverse, colorful and fragrant varieties of orchids, tropical plants, herbs, and fruit trees sold by local and international vendors from Thailand, Ecuador, and Brazil. This year, the festival will take place from April 1-2, 2023 from 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
This two-day event is always extremely popular, and every year brings in more visitors and vendors than the last. This year, we have added a catered lunch by Alexander Event Catering on our lovely waterfront Veranda. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy orchid and tropical plant displays, food vendors, libations, garden art, orchid care, and general gardening lectures, live music, Brunch on the Veranda, and much more.
Over 5,000 people typically attend this annual festival. The entire Bonnet House grounds will be open for guests to enjoy, and self-guided house tours will be available as well. Lectures and workshops on orchid cultivation, live music, food and beverage vendors will also be scheduled throughout the day.
Because the International Orchid & Garden Festival has been so successful in recent years, we have decided to add a few special opportunities for guests to make the most of their weekend. This year, we’ve added a special Brunch for VIP guests on both days from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.
This includes admission, as well as bloody marys and even mimosas!
While these events are always fun, and exciting, they would be impossible without sponsors. Our event sponsors are a huge part of the success of our International Orchid & Garden Festival, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support. We have a variety of sponsorship levels including:
– White Orchid (2 Tickets) – $250.00
– Yellow Orchid (4 Tickets) – $500.00
– Blue Orchid (6 Tickets) – $1,000.00
– Red Orchid (8 Tickets) – $2,500.00
– Purple Orchid (10 Tickets + 2 VIP) – $3,500.00
To learn more about becoming a sponsor for this annual two-day festival, call or email Darla Stanton at 954-653-1557 or [email protected].