The Bonnet House property has a uniquely fascinating history that has captured the attention and imagination of countless visitors. The historical, ecological, and artistic components of this property make Bonnet House one of the most special places in all of South Florida. In order to properly honor this rich history, we do our best to offer a variety of classes and workshops that emphasize the interests and passions of the previous estate owners.
One such workshop will be starting on January 18th and will last through February 8th, 2022. In this four-week workshop, participants will learn about ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging, with Sensei Marjorie DaVanzo. Ikebana has roots dating back to the sixth century but has regained popularity in modern times. The more we understand about ikebana, the more we can see that its recent popularity is not surprising.
The overall purpose of Ikebana is not simply to create beautiful flower arrangements but to expand the appreciation that we have for beauty. According to one of Japan’s most influential modern ikebana practitioners, Toshiro Kawase, the point of the art form is to see that “the whole universe is contained within a single flower.” This workshop takes place on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and costs $260 for members, and $280 for non-members.
The world we live in today is often hectic and stressful, which can make it difficult to appreciate the beauty in all that is around us. By hosting these workshops, we hope to help people open their minds, and better appreciate the world around them.
While the Bartlett family may not have practiced the ikebana artform specifically, they did care a great deal about appreciating nature and expressing themselves through their decor and artwork. If you want to learn to better appreciate the beauty surrounding you and your life in the new year, consider registering for this workshop today.